The Swan (2023)


The Swan (2023)

A young boy, Peter Watson, is harassed and essentially kidnapped by two vicious, heartless, gun-armed bullies. Peter is intelligent and a keen studier of wildlife, especially birds. His torment is heightened when the bullies turn the aim of their gun on a beautiful swan. (IMDB)

Rupert Friend

Rupert Friend

Rupert Friend

Rupert Friend

Rupert Friend

Asa Jennings

Asa Jennings and Rupert Friend

Rupert Friend and Asa Jennings

Rupert Friend

Asa Jennings and Rupert Friend

Rupert Friend and Asa Jennings

Rupert Friend and Asa Jennings

Rupert Friend

Asa Jennings

Eliel Ford, Truman Hanks, Benoît Herlin, Octavio Tapia, Rupert Friend and Asa Jennings (UO)

Eliel Ford, Truman Hanks, Benoît Herlin, Octavio Tapia, Rupert Friend and Asa Jennings (UO)

Ralph Fiennes

Ralph Fiennes

Rupert Friend and Asa Jennings


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