Poker Run (2009)


Poker Run (2009)

Robert and Allan are two upstanding suburbanite lawyers, husbands caught in the grip of boring normalcy that sometimes plagues us all: the wife, the house, the cars, the debt. A quiet desperation that often finds its own unique outlet in the form of the motorcycle; an ultimate expression of freedom now consigned to weekend outings straddled by flocks of rich urban bikers living out 'Easy Rider' fantasies. But Robert and Allan's biker fantasies crash headlong into the brutal realities of biker life when they find themselves in the hands of two psychopaths on wheels, Ray and Billy. In the middle of a Poker Run, a desert-bike rally between Victorville and Vegas, Ray and Billy abduct Robert and Allan's wives and leave the two men with an ultimatum of death if they ever hope to see the women alive again. Now they must follow a bizarre set of clues that include several horrifying tasks that will leave the sweltering Mojave desert deafened by the roar of motorcycles and awash in blood. (IMDB Anonymous)

Bertie Higgins

Jasmine Waltz

Jay Wisell

D.C. Douglas

Brian Graham

Erika Lenhart

Bertie Higgin

J.D. Rudometkin

Robert Thorne

Debra Hopkins

Robert Thorne

Skip Pipo

Kevin Anthony Brooks

Carlie Nettles and Suzanne Gutierrez

Carlie Nettle

Debra Hopkins and Jay Wisell

Jasmine Waltz and Robert Thorne

Jasmine Waltz

Skip Pipo

Corey Richardson

Luis Fernandez-Gil

Cathy Deobler

Chuck Spitler

Lucas Wilcox

Crystal LeBard

Ryan Caldwell

Ryan Caldwell

Carlie Nettles and Debra Hopkins

Melanie Wilson

Kurt Sinclair

Kurt Sinclair

Robert Thorne

J.D. Rudometkin

J.D. Rudometkin


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