God's Bloody Acre (1975)

 God's Bloody Acre (1975)

A trio of separatist hillbillies mobilize to halt the development of a campsite in their deep-woods homestead. What begins as a harmless scheme to scare people away quickly turns deadly. (IMDB  EyeAskance)
It seems that a lot of films liked to claim they were based on true events
though it was often just a marketing ploy.

Westinghouse (2008)

 Westinghouse (2008) 

Westinghouse is a feature-length documentary about the life and times of George Westinghouse, his companies, legacy, personality, partnership with Nikola Telsa and conflict with Thomas Edison. George Westinghouse is considered America's greatest industrialist and the only man who would go up against Thomas Edison, and win. His victory over Edison during the Battle of the Currents set the stage for the entire future of electric power. The Westinghouse air brake is considered one of the most important inventions in history. Automobile shock absorbers, railroad signaling and the modern day weekend all owe their existence to the man who Andrew Carnegie called "A genius who can't be downed." Westinghouse may be most famous for the massive companies that he created, but the man called "Uncle George" was a reserved, creative giant who went out of his way to treat his workforce with dignity and respect. He was an honest millionaire in the days of robber barons, an optimist in the days of skeptics and a generous CEO from whom today's executives can learn. (IMDB Inecom Entertainment Company)

Air Break $50

Brakeman, $1.50 per day. Nothing if maimed or killed.

Love Is My Profession (1958)

 Love Is My Profession (1958)
En cas de malheur

 Married French lawyer Andre defends succesfully the case of Yvette, who committed a robbery. He falls in love with her, but she isn't true to him. V&D

Director: Claude Autant-Lara 

Jean Gabin - MaƮtre AndrƩ Gobillot
Brigitte Bardot - Yvette Maudet