Hands on a Hardbody The Documentary (1997)

Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary (1997)

Twenty-four contestants compete in an endurance/sleep deprivation contest in order to win a brand new Nissan Hardbody truck. The last person to remain standing with his or her hand on the truck wins. An absurd marketing gimmick at first glance, the contest proves to be much more..  (IMDB)


Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary (1997) on IMDb


The Truck

Russell Welch

Benny Perkins

Ronald McCowan

 Kerri Parker

 Janis Curtis

The Winner

Streets (1990)

"The story of runaways living in Venice, California, under the threat 
of a psychotic cop who is a serial killer of prostitutes." (IMDB)
Streets (1990) on IMDb

Christina Applegate

Lisa Eye and Christina Applegate

Eb Lottimer

Eb Lottimer

Jane Chung

David Mendenhall

Starr Andreeff

Paul Ben-Victor (C) - Alexander Folk (R) 

Alexander Folk 

David Lawrence 

Patrick Richwood  

Aron Eisenberg  

Christina Applegate and Diana James  

Patrick Richwood - David Mendenhall - Sheryl Bence  

Julie Jay 

Mel Castelo

Sam Goffredo

cast listing
Jeni Anderson 

Jeni Anderson 

Bob Gray 

Kady Tran 

 Nancee Tate (L) and Tom Williams (R) 

Patti Peck (R) and Sophia Peck Grady (Baby) 

Alan Frazier and Pesha Rudnick 

 Alan Stock

Rhetta Green

Kay Lenz 

Rhetta Green

Jesse Ruben 

Christina Applegate

Patrick J. Statham