Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988)

Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988)

After a worldwide nuclear war, where 68% of the male population was wiped out and virile men becoming a rarity, Sam Hell, a scavenger and a highly virile man, is assigned to help rescue a group of fertile women kidnapped by humanoid frogs. (IMDB)

Julius LeFlore



William Smith

William Smith

Eyde Byrde and William Smith

Eyde Byrde and William Smith

Eyde Byrde

William Smith

Roddy Piper

Lee Garlington

Cec Verrell

Jeff Dolan and Vern Urich [uo]

William Smith

Cec Verrell

William Smith

William Smith

William Smith

Suzanne Solari

Sandahl Bergman

Roddy Piper, Sandahl Bergman and Suzanne Solari

Sandahl Bergman

Rick Bross

Kristi Somers

Rory Calhoun

Cliff Bemis

Nicholas Worth

Danelle Hand, Ellen Crocker, Kim Hewson, Ilana Ishaki, Janie Thorson, Sandahl Bergman

Danelle Hand

Nicholas Worth

Brian Frank

Roddy Piper

Brian Frank

William Smith

Cec Verrell, Danelle Hand, Roddy Piper, Sandahl Bergman

William Smith

Danelle Hand, Ellen Crocker, Kim Hewson, Ilana Ishaki, Janie Thorson, Cec Verrell

William Smith

Brian Frank

Danelle Hand, Ellen Crocker, Kim Hewson, Ilana Ishaki, Janie Thorson [uo]

Roddy Piper and Sandahl Bergman


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