Black Scorpion (1995)

Black Scorpion (1995)

Black Scorpion is set in the City of Angels where Darcy Walker (Joan Severance) works as a cop, Darcy & her partner Michael Russo (Bruce Abbott) screw up during a bust & a suspect goes free. Darcy talks to her ex-cop father (Rick Rossovich) about it, while they chat in a bar the district attorney Thomas Aldridge (John Sanderford) walks in & shoots Stan dead for no apparent reason, Darcy is shocked & in an attempt to get some answers threatens the DA at gunpoint which gets her fired. Angry about the injustice she sees Darcy decides to take the law into her own hands & dresses in black latex to resemble a Scorpion & becomes a vigilante as Darcy dishes out her brand of justice to the criminals of Angel City. Dubbed the Black Scorpion by the media Darcy soon finds herself up against a mysterious madman named the Breathtaker who has devised a plan to poison Angel City... (IMDB  Paul Andrews) V&D


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