Black Snake (1973)

Black Snake (1973)

The key elements of Black Snake seem to be harsh racist language, bloody violence and a (very) little bit of nudity. The storyline is unremittingly grim, with a group of nasty individuals lording over a slave colony – a sexy female plantation owner, a thuggish Irish foreman and a black enforcer. An accountant travels to the island under a false name to try and find his brother who disappeared there. As it turns out the brother is now a mute vegetable who roams about the island independently. Throw in a rape, a shark attack, numerous whippings, a crucifixion, a burning and an attempted buggery and you have the makings of an exploitation movie. While it's a Meyer film it would be remiss not to comment on the women. There are only two in the picture, a slave girl and the sadistic plantation owner played by Anouska Hempel. (IMDB Red-Barracuda) V&D

In 1998 Anouska Hempel bought the UK rights to Tiffany Jones (1973) and Black Snake (1973) in order to keep them out of circulation. This effectively blocks any future UK television screenings or video releases.

Bernard Boston

Vikki Richards

Anouska Hempel

David Prowse

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