The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)

 The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)

This ominous storyline is framed in the film with Dr. Hellstrom, a fictional entomologist who narrates with an effectively brooding yet pragmatic tone that somehow comes off as dire but soothing. 

A scientist explains how the savagery and efficiency of the insect world could result in their taking over the world. 

Professor Hellstrom, a famous entomologist, is so shaken by the savagery and ferocity of the predatory insect world that he films this “documentary” to warn mankind of its danger. Featuring stunning microphotography of a variety of insects and plants that include ultra close-ups of wars between ant colonies and a gigantic praying mantis practicing cannibalism. This unusual blend of horror film and nature study won an Academy Award for Best Documentary in 1972. It's a fascinating movie and a nice companion piece to the cult classic Phase IV, which takes the next step from this film. (IMDB FeverDog)

Dr. Hellstrom: Compared with Man, we have to admit that the insect does not display what we can describe as intelligence. But don't feel too proud about that, because where there is no intelligence, there is also no stupidity. 

Dr. Hellstrom: Without the burden of intellect, emotion or individual identity, these creatures were given something we weren't: the knowledge that they must work together to create the elusive utopia - the perfect society. 

Dr. Hellstrom: Of the billions of living things on Earth, only Man ponders his existence. His questions lead to torment, for he is unable to accept, as the insects do, that life's only purpose is life itself. 

Dr. Hellstrom: In fighting the insect we have killed ourselves, polluted our water, poisoned our wildlife, permeated our own flesh with deadly toxins. The insect becomes immune, and we are poisoned. In fighting with superior intellect, we have outsmarted ourselves. 

Dr. Hellstrom: For the male Black Widow, the most exciting part of sex... is to escape. 


  1. You plagiarized this from an IMDb post.

  2. Probably 95% of the summaries here are from IMDB or the publisher. There is no attempt to claim that any of these quotes are original work. If you looked around you should have realized that.

    The above was quoted from IMDB and from the documentary. There is a difference between quoting and plagiarizing.

  3. Quoting without attribution is plagiarism.

  4. Initially there was no intent to have public access to the captures and as such, stuff that is several years old either has no summary, a quick link or a small quote clip as a personal reference.

    Maybe if you got off your high horse and told me what you wanted. Certainly you didn't just come here to whine or to pretend that you uncovered the scandal of the century.
