Ex Drummer (2007)

 Ex Drummer (2007)

Every village has its band of fools, trying to get to the top, following their idols in drug habits, but staying losers till the end of their pathetic days. They all do this in the name of rock & roll. Three disabled rock musicians are looking for a drummer. Dries, a well known writer, seems the right guy for the job, were it not for the fact that his only handicap is that he can't play the drums. He joins the group as a perfect, but evil god walking down his mountain to play with the populace. With the arrival of this infiltrator, personal disputes and family feuds start to jeopardize the band's fragile future. Dries will manipulate them till they are willing to drink each others blood and their only future is written down in many Punk lyrics: "No Future". (Koen Mortier IMDB)

It stands to reason that a film version of perhaps Belgium's most controversial author (the revered and despised Herman Brusselmans) would produce an experience every bit as extreme and sulfurous – with audience response to match – as his books. He regularly spits in the face of "political correctness" with outrageously misogynist or downright misanthropic remarks, sometimes about local celebrities, which has landed him in court on a few occasions. Graphic descriptions of sex and violence have become so prevalent in his work to the extent that they could serve as its very definition in the minds of many. (Dirtymoviedevotee IMDB)

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