C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004) (2 of 3)


C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004) (2 of 3)

John Patrick Ahearn

Jeph Scanlon

Fernando Arenas

Ric Averill

Rick Folken

Ric Averill

Jeanne Averill

Patti Van Slyke

Lean A. Sexton

Karmello Brooks

Emily Dempsey

Tristan Starner

Rebecca Dempsey and Rodney Hill

Ngondi Kamatuka

Sean Blake as Hitler

Cyndi Penyock

Evamarii Johnson

Hank Rector

Erin McGrane

Tom Moriarty and Erin McGrane

Michael Stewart

Michael Stewart and Richard Sobeck

Michael Stewart and Richard Sobeck


C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004) (1 of 3)


C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004) (1 of 3)

Set in an contemporary alternative world where the Confederate States of America managed to win the American Civil War, a British film documentary examines the history of this nation. Beginning with its conquest of the northern states, the film covers the history of this country where racial enslavement became triumphant and the nation carried sinister designs of conquest. Interspersed throughout are various TV commercials of products of a virulent racist nature, as well as public-service announcements that promote this tyranny. Only at the end is it revealed that the film contains less wholly-imagined material that the viewer might suspect.
(IMDB Kenneth Chisholm )

Ryan L. Carroll and Greg Hurd

Ryan L. Carroll

Ryan L. Carroll

Rupert Pate

Evamarii Johnson

Evamarii Johnson

Don Carlton

Kevin McKinney

Arlo Kasper

Joe Bugni and Troy Moore (UO)

Larry Peterson

Brian Paulette

Lauralei Linzay

Mark Robbins

Larry Peterson

Harvey A. Williams and Larry Peterson

Matthew Simon and Kelly Mengelkoch

Robert Sokol

Kirsten Paludan and Shane Scheel