Game Over (2009)

Tina, a young actress who left the States for Germany-she fell in love, so she left for a man. Two good friends of hers come over to visit Tina for her birthday-but the next 24 hours will be very brutal, as the three are kidnapped by an sadistic maniac. He plays brutal and primitive games with them, and every attempt they make to escape leads them deeper into hell! (Sean Leonard

Debbie Rochon

Raine Brown and Debbie Rochon

Debbie Rochon and Nicola Fiore

Magdalena Kalley

Nicola Fiore

Raine Brown

Marc Rohnstock

Magdalèna Kalley


Sam E. Terry or Thomas Kercmar

Blood Games (1990)

Blood Games (1990)
Baseball Bimbos in Hillbilly Hell

A travelling female baseball team beats a team of country boys who happen to be poor losers. The aftermath degenerates into slaughter and mayhem.
Directed by: Tanya Rosenberg

Ken Carpenter aka Luke Shay as Mino Collins

Laura Albert as Babe

Julie Hall as Stoney

Sabrina Hills as Connie

Gregory Scott Cummins as Roy Collins

Don Dowe as Holt

Randi Randolph as Ingrid

Julie Hall and Roy Collins

Pay back

Lee Benton as Donna

Lisa Zambrano

Sabrina Hills

Paula Manga as Louise

Rhyve Sawyer as Wanda

George 'Buck' Flower as Vern

Ross Hagen as Midnight

Ross Hagen and Rhyve Sawyer

Lisa Zambrano as Mickey

Gregory Scott Cummins and Lisa Zambrano

Sonjia Redo, Laura Albert and Lee Benton

Rhyve Sawyer

Photo of cast
Julie Hall

Rhyve Sawyer

Randi Randolph and Lisa Zambrano

 Sonjia Redo and Lisa Zambrano

Lee Benton

Actor photos actress photos cast photos
Sonjia Redo

Paula Manga