Skull Heads (2009)
The film resolves around Naomi Arkoff, an emotionally backward young woman (Robin Sydney), who lives in a castle in Italy with her mother and her aggressive father, along with a dark secret hidden within the castle. The girl longs to visit the outside world, and the closest she is able to come to this is when a film crew arrives to use their castle for a backdrop.
"Skull Heads" is a 2009 drama/horror film written, produced and directed by Charles Band and distributed by his company Full Moon Features. As with other Full Moon films, the quality is on more of a cheese level, and there's a focus on small, doll-like creatures. In this case, "skull heads"... which have no real purpose to the plot, aside from showing up at the end for a bit of a twist that wasn't even really necessary. Like "Dangerous Worry Dolls", Band actually had a decent story without the need for dolls or other creatures. He could have perhaps been taken more seriously by making a straight story. (IMDB gavin6942) V&D
Director: Charles Band