Zaat (1971)

Zaat (1971)


Attack of the Swamp Creatures


The Blood Waters of Dr.Z

Mad scientist Dr. Kurt Leopold (Marshall Grauer) uses his special formula, Zaat, to turn himself into a walking catfish (although he looks more like a mutant seahorse to me). After polluting a local pond with Zaat, the lumbering catfish man takes revenge on those who scoffed at his work, and then goes about trying to create a catfish woman to be his mate. (IMDB BA_Harrison)

Marshall Grauer

Marshall Grauer

Wade Popwell
Wade Popwell

Paul Galloway
Gerald Cruse

Wade Popwell

Gerald Cruse and Paul Galloway
Nancy Lien

Gerald Cruse
Del Galloway, Russell Holcomb [?], Gloria Brady [l to r]

Gloria Brady
Del Galloway

File Photo

Doug Thomas [?]

Nancy Lien

Dave Dickerson, Sanna Ringhaver and Gerald Cruse

Sanna Ringhaver

Nancy Lien

Sanna Ringhaver
Dave Dickerson

Wade Popwell

Archie (Rich) Valliere
Elizabeth Barton

Elizabeth Barton and Jim Merrill

Jamie DeFrates

The monster wore tennis shoes