Bizarre Lust of a Sexual Deviant (2001)

Bizarre Lust of a Sexual Deviant (2001)

A prowler is on the loose in the city. He stalks women, chloroforms them, and then molests their unconscious, naked bodies. Only Angie knows the secrets behind the masked intruder. (IMDB)

Jessie Seitz

Jessie Seitz

Mara Davinci

Jason Christ

Angela Zimmerly

Angela Zimmerly

Billy Kryptonite

Lisa Morrison.

Emily Haack and Scot Spookytooth

Emily Haack

Emily Haack

Emily Haack

Lisa Morrison.

Jason Christ

Lisa Morrison.

Jason Christ


Nightmares (1980)

Nightmares (1980)
Stage Fright

A little girl named Cathy tries to keep her mother from making out with a man while driving one day, and she inadvertently causes her mother’s death in the car crash. 16 years later, Cathy has changed her name to Helen and has become a psychotic actress. Things are going fine until horrible things starts to happened with the cast of her new play. (IMDB) tt0081233

Jennie Lamond

Angela Menzies-Wills

.John D. Lamond

Maureen Edwards

Jennie Lamond

Malcolm Steed and Tania Uren

Peter Tulloch

Bryon Williams

Jenny Neumann

Denise Peterson

Rossana Zuanetti and Gene Van Dam

Gary Sweet

Max Phipps

Nina Landis

Briony Behets

Jenny Neumann and Gary Sweet

John Harris

Gary Day and Edmund Pegge

Gary Sweet, Jenny Neumann, Max Phipps, Adele Lewin, Nina Landis

Adele Lewin

Edmund Pegge

Jenny Neumann

John Michael Howson

Sue Jones

Nina Landis

Sue Jones

Adele Lewin

Nina Landis, Adele Lewin, Jenny Neumann, Gary Sweet