Bloodbeat (1983)

 Bloodbeat (1983)
Blood Beat - Pulsschlag des Schreckens

Sarah (Claudia Peyton) accompanies her boyfriend Ted (James Fitzgibbons) and his sister Dolly (Dana Day) to the rural Wisconsin home of their mother Cathy (Helen Benton) and her partner Gary (Terry Brown) to celebrate the holidays. During a spot of deer hunting (just the ticket to get one in the festive spirit) Sarah freaks out, after which things get very strange indeed: running through the woods, Sarah stumbles into a man with a stomach wound; Cathy gets the feeling that she knows Sarah from somewhere else (why? I haven't the foggiest); Sarah finds a samurai outfit in a trunk (which promptly vanishes with no explanation), Cathy paints uncontrollably; and someone dressed in the samurai garb starts to kill people with his katana. From time to time, the picture is solarised for the samurai's POV, and in the craptabulous finalé, several of the characters' hands begin to pulse with energy for a baffling showdown against the killer. (IMDB BA_Harrison)

Terry Brown and Helen Benton

Claudia Peyton - James Fitzgibbons - Dana Day

Claudia Peyton

One shot actors and actresses
Dana Day

Dana Day (L)

The Wind (1987)

The Wind (1987)
Edge of Terror

Starring Meg Foster, Wings Hauser and Steve Railsback, this probably already is enough reason for people to check out "The Wind". It was for me. Writer Sian Anderson (Foster) retreats to an isolated village on a small Greek island to work on her new novel. The island thrives on tourism and it's off-season, meaning all the inhabitants have left to earn a living elsewhere, leaving Sian pretty much in solitude. But there's still Phill (Wings Hauser), helping hand of the landlord and staying on the island to support Sian in her needs. However, Phill turns out to be an utterly demented psychopath, out to stalk & kill Sian. Or, is he, really? Because Sian is a writer with a vivid imagination.  (IMDB Vomitron_G)

David McCallum and Meg Foster

Meg Foster

Meg Foster and Robert Morley

Meg Foster

Wings Hauser

The bodies

Dina Giannakou

Steve Railsback (L)

Mihalis Giannatos

Meg Foster

Steve Railsback

Steve Railsback

Meg Foster

Meg Foster

Meg Foster

Meg Foster

Meg Foster shooting at the psycho