Daughters of Lesbos (1968)
The film revolves around the meeting of the titular club, whose members loathe men and consider the female of the species to be superior beings. It is also hinted that the meeting's purpose involves discipline of some kind, but this only comes into play at the very end. Instead, a series of vignettes illustrate key moments in the girls' past lives -- a drug-induced date rape (by a male, of course); the summer camp "initiation" of an erstwhile onanist; another initiation, this time of a hippie hitchhiker by a more aggressive dyke; and another serial masturbator who daydreams of a previous bathtub liaison, attracting the attention of a (male) voyeur.
All this is filmed without direct sound; instead a sometimes-purring, sometimes-scolding female narrator very effectively describes and comments on the action in passionate prose. A frantic free-form jazz combo intensifies the action. The girls are generally good-looking, and the soft, shadowy photography highlights their tender flesh to advantage. The sex scenes (with full-frontal nudity) are (as usual) quite repetitive, but placing them in the context of these stories gives them a boost.
The clincher comes in the very last sequence, when the girls take vengeance on an offender. The Penthouse-forum style melodrama suddenly and completely unexpectedly veers into "roughie" territory, and the consequences will leave the viewer stunned. (IMDB goblinhairedguy)
Jackie Richards (Noel) |
Sue Akers |