A documentary that tells the history of The Fantastic Four (1994), which was executive produced by Roger Corman. (IMDB)
Alex Hyde-White, Rebecca Staab, Carl Ciarfalio, Jay Underwood, Michael Bailey Smith |
Joseph Culp |
Carl Ciarfalio |
Jay Underwood |
Kat Green |
Rebecca Staab |
Michael Bailey Smith |
Alex Hyde-White |
Oley Sassone |
Mark Sikes |
Glenn Garland |
John Vulich |
Jonathan Fernandez |
Chris Gore |
Sean Howe |
Lloyd Kaufman |
Roger Corman |
Stan Lee and Lloyd Kaufman |
Alex Hyde-White, Rebecca Staab, Carl Ciarfalio and Jay Underwood |
Sean Howe |
Roger Corman |
Oley Sassone |
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby |
Carl Ciarfalio |
Carl Ciarfalio |
Laura Schiff - Casting director |
Michael Bailey Smith |
Michael Bailey Smith |
Carl Ciarfalio and Michael Bailey Smith |
Benito Mussolini and Joseph Culp |
Alex Hyde-White |
Steven Lewis Simpson |
Chris Gore |
Reve Richards - Costumes |
Stan Lee |
Stan Lee |
David Wurst and Eric Wurst (UO) |
Michael Bailey Smith |
Michael Bailey Smith |