Death Curse of Tartu (1966)

Death Curse of Tartu (1966)

A group of students and their teacher go out into the everglades for some archeology research. They are warned about the Indian burial ground being haunted but they decide to go anyways and soon enough they are being stalked by a curse from the Indian chief Tartu. (IMDB Michael_Elliott)

Brad F. Grinter

Brad F. Grinter

Bill Marcus

Frank Weed

Frank Weed

Frank Weed

Frank Weed

Frank Weed

Frank Weed

Bill Marcus and Fred Pinero

Babette Sherrill

Babette Sherrill, Bill Marcus and Fred Pinero

Sherman Hayes and Mayra Gómez Kemp

Gary Holtz

Maurice Stewart

Mayra Gomez Kemp

Sherman Hayes

Babette Sherrill

Fred Pinero

Gary Holtz, Maurice Stewart, Mayra Gómez Kemp and Sherman Hayes

Gary Holtz, Maurice Stewart, Sherman Hayes and Mayra Gómez Kemp

Maurice Stewart, Mayra Gómez Kemp and Sherman Hayes

Doug Hobart

Gary Holtz

Sherman Hayes and Maurice Stewart

Fred Pinero

Fred Pinero and Sherman Hayes

Mayra Gomez Kemp and Babette Sherrill

Sherman Hayes

Babette Sherrill and Mayra Gomez Kemp

Mayra Gomez Kemp, Babette Sherrill and Fred Pinero

Frank Weed

Mayra Gomez Kemp

Mayra Gómez Kemp

Mayra Gómez Kemp

Mayra Gómez Kemp

Mayra Gómez Kemp

Doug Hobart

Doug Hobart as Tartu

Doug Hobart as Tartu

Bill Marcus as Tartu

Bill Marcus as Tartu

Bill Marcus

Bill Marcus

Doug Hobart as Tartu


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