Model Hunger (2016)

Model Hunger (2016)

A former model (Lynn Lowry) forced into retirement due to her age exacts her revenge on young beautiful women in this horror thriller. (IMDB)

Kathy Murphy, Erika Frase, Erin Rigwalski, Lisa Dee, Samantha Hoy [uo]

Kathy Murphy

Kathy Murphy

Lisa Dee and Samantha Hoy

Lisa Dee and Samantha Hoy

Michael Thurber

Samantha Hoy and Lisa Dee

Babette Bombshell

Lynn Lowry

Suzi Lorraine

Lisa Dee

Samantha Hoy

Carmine Capobianco

Tiffany Shepis

Lynn Lowry, Tiffany Shepis and Michael Thurber

Aurelio Voltaire

Brian Fortune

Aurelio Voltaire

Bob Bozek

Bette Cassatt and Jayne Caswell

Rachel Jane Conn

Rachel Jane Conn

Babette Bombshell

Michael O'Hear

David Marancik

Lynn Lowry

Brian Fortune

Gerica Horn aka Geri Horn aka Rodney Horn

Lynn Lowry

Mary Bogle

Mia Page and Michael Varrati

Kaylee Williams

Kaylee Williams and Lynn Lowry

Suzi Lorraine and Gerica Horn

Michael O'Hear and  David Marancik


Maniac Killer (1987)

Maniac Killer (1987) 

A murderous cult kidnaps French prostitutes and tortures them to death to “purify” them of their evil ways. The local pimps, understandably upset, set out after them, as does a man whose girlfriend was kidnapped by the cult and may still be held by them. (IMDB)

Isabelle Rochard

Stanley Kapoul

Jesse Joe Walsh

François Greze

Robert Ground

Suzanne Andrews

Jean-René Gossart

Bo Svenson

Robert Ginty

1986 UMM Alter II

1984 Jeep Cherokee

Olivier Mathot

Paulina Adrián

Chuck Connors

Henri Lambert