Dinosaur Valley Girls (1996)

Dinosaur Valley Girls (1996)

Directed by: Donald F. Glut

Haunted by recurring dreams of Hea-Thor (Denise Ames), a gorgeous cavegirl,and a menacing Allosaurus, action-movie star Tony Markham (Jeff Rector) soon finds himself transported, by means of a magic Icon, back through time to Dinosaur Valley. Now trapped in world of dangerous dinosaurs, grunting cavemen and a tribe of exotic, love-starved cavegirls, Tony must put his modern-days skills to extreme tests in order to survive prehistoric perils, win the cavegirl of his dreams and (maybe) return to his own time? (IMDB)

Donald F. Glut's first professional movie.

Hellroller (1992)

Hellroller (1992)

Eugene is a homeless serial killer on a wheelchair.He is bitter and angry.After mom's disappearance Eugene learns that his mom is actually his aunt and that his birth was actually the result of a gang-rape by Siamese Twins.I ain't kidding.This is the start of Eugene's killing spree..."Hellroller" is a hideously bad and dreadfully boring horror film with some of the worst acting I have ever seen.I am quite tolerant person,when it comes to grade-Z cinema,but apart from two scenes of nudity provided by Michelle Bauer and Hyapatia Lee there is nothing to enjoy in "Hellroller".The acting is mind-blowingly awful,the gore is amateurish and the killings are laughable.They include disembowellings,double spearing,mouth stabbing and even the scene,when one victim is ironed to death.I still haven't seen "Killer Klowns from Kansas on Krack" or "The Dark Harvest",but "Hellroller" is certainly in my top five of the worst horror films ever made.1 out of 10. (IMDB  HumanoidOfFlesh)

Johnny Legend (C)

Ron Litman - Mary Woronov

Ruth Collins

Eric Caidin - Johnny Legend

Mary Woronov - Eric Caidin - Johnny Legend

David H. Sterry

Ron Litman

Gary J. Levinson (R)

Dink O'Neil

Wendy Spahr

Katie Amstutz

Michelle Bauer

Michelle Bauer

 Hyapatia Lee

 Hyapatia Lee

 Hyapatia Lee

Elizabeth Kaitan - Tammara Souza

Lucia Mortato

Lucia Mortato

Lucia Mortato

The Tribe (1998)

The Tribe (1998)

A reluctant Northam finds himself in the position of having to evict a long standing cult from a fabulous piece of real estate. He is amazed to find a group of people who seem to be happy to live within on the edges of society, who are happy with their own company but happy to use the world around them from nature to people as they see fit. As he is drawn into their world he finds that he can only be the agent of its destruction. (IMDB  Stuart Ian Burns) V&D