Prey (1977)

Prey (1977)
Alien Prey
The Destructor

The day after a weird green light is seen in the English sky, a strange young man stops at the country home of two lesbian housemates. It turns out that the man is an alien, and a hungry one. (IMDB jonas.urve)

Glory Annen

Cast photos
Sally Faulkner

Sandy Chinney

Barry Stokes

The Change

Barry Stokes

Barry Stokes

Sandy Chinney

Barry Stokes 

Eddie Stacey (L), Jerry Crampton (R) 

Jerry Crampton

Barry Stokes 

Eddie Stacey

Jerry Crampton

Glory Annen

Glory Annen

Barry Stokes 

Barry Stokes 

Glory Annen

Sally Faulkner

Still Frames from Prey 1977
Sally Faulkner

Barry Stokes

Sally Faulkner

Barry Stokes

Glory Annen

Glory Annen

Barry Stokes 

Sally Faulkner

Kelly Marcel (L)

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