Dead of Night (1974)

 Dead of Night (1974)

A young Soldier is killed in the line of duty in Vietnam. That same night, the soldier returns home, brought back by his Mother's wishes that he "Don't Die"! Upon his Return, Andy sits in his room, refusing to see his friends or family, venturing out only at night. The Vampiric horror is secondary to the terror that comes from the disintegration of a typical American family. (IMDB R. L. Strong)

Movie cast photos
Richard Backus

Anya Ormsby, John Marley and Lynn Carlin

Anya Ormsby

John Marley

Lynn Carlin

Arthur Bradley (L)

John Marley

David Gawlikowski

Bud Hoey

Robert R. Cannon

Richard Backus

Richard Backus

David Gawlikowski 

Bob Clark

Henderson Forsythe as Doc

Arthur Anderson

Richard Backus

Jeff Gillen

Jeff Gillen, Henderson Forsythe and John Marley

Henderson Forsythe

Richard Backus

Richard Backus

Michael Mazes

Jane Daly

Alan Ormsby

Richard Backus

Richard Backus

Richard Backus

Mal Jones

Edward Anderson

Richard Backus

Richard Backus

Richard Backus

Bob Clark

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