The House That Bled to Death (1980)


The House That Bled to Death (11 Oct 1980) on IMDb
Hammer House of Horror S01E05 (1980) The House That Bled to Death

Episode aired 11 October 1980 

William and Emma Peters buy an old house where a brutal murder happened years ago in very bad condition with the intention of restoring it. They move with their daughter Sophie, and become friends of their neighbors Jean and George Evans. However, eerie events happen in the house, inclusive the death of Sophie’s cat. In Sophie’s birthday party, a pipe leaks blood and they leave the place, disclosing a secret later. (IMDB)

George Tovey 

Una Brandon-Jones

Una Brandon-Jones

Rachel Davies, Milton Johns and Nicholas Ball (L to R)

Emma Ridley

Patricia Maynard 

Brian Croucher 

Sarah Keller, Rachel Davies and Jo Warne (L to R)

Marilyn Finlay

Max Mason and Anna Perry

Rodney Cardiff

Joanne White

Joanne White

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